Behind through successful employment Sonar AS lies commitment, experience, knowledge and sincere interest for both candidates and clients. The right person should also have the right personality for your company. Therefore, we work closely with our customers, so we know exactly what they want and are looking for. All our staffing and recruitment specialists have expertise and experience within the areas and industries they are recruiting for. This means that we know what you want and what you’re looking for in a new employee.
The 15 stages of the recruitment process
- Identifying Needs: We assess the goals and values your business has and which qualities you want a new employee to have.
- Candidate Profile: What kind of competence, qualities and personality does your business need in order to grow?
- Online Advertising: This is done on the largest recruitment sites, the industry-specific sites and on social media if desired.
- Searching Databases and Networks: We use both our internal database as well as external databases that are updated daily. We also have a comprehensive network
- Contact with Candidates: Candidates with the desired profiles are contacted by us.
- Review and Evaluation of CVs and Applications: We conduct telephone interviews and set up meetings with potential candidates.
- First Interview: This happens in our offices.
- Candidate Reports: This is done on the candidates who stand out.
- Personality Testing: We use the best tests on the market, and both client and candidate receive personal feedback from our certified organisational psychologist.
- Quality Assurance and Reference Checks: We examine certificates and do at least two reference checks.
- Presentation of the Candidates: Usually we are left with two to three potential candidates.
- Second Interview: This is done with you, at your offices.
- Final Assessment: We assist you in selecting the candidate you wish to hire.
- Signing the Contract: We can assist in salary- and contract negotiations.
- Personal Follow-up: We will gladly assist candidates within the first six months of a new position, so that all parties feel well looked after throughout the process.
An extensive and safe process ensures that you get the right person with the right personality for you and your business. Remember – we find the best people for you.
De 15 punktene i rekrutteringsprosessen
[wpo_featuredbox title=»Identifying Needs» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»We assess the goals and values your business has and which qualities you
want a new employee to have.» el_class=»list-num-1″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Online Advertising» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»This is done on the largest recruitment sites, the industry-specific sites and on social media if desired.» el_class=»list-num-3″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Contact with Candidates» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Candidates with the desired profiles are contacted by us.» el_class=»list-num-5″][wpo_featuredbox title=»First Interview» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»This happens in our offices.» el_class=»list-num-7″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Personality Testing» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»We use the best tests on the market, and both client and candidate receive personal feedback from our certified organisational psychologist.» el_class=»list-num-9″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Presentation of the Candidates» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Usually we are left with two to three potential candidates.» el_class=»list-num-11″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Final Assessment» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»We assist you in selecting the candidate you wish to hire.» el_class=»list-num-13″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Personal Follow-up» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»We will gladly assist candidates within the first six months of a new position, so that all parties feel well looked after throughout the process.» el_class=»list-num-15″]
want a new employee to have.» el_class=»list-num-1″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Online Advertising» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»This is done on the largest recruitment sites, the industry-specific sites and on social media if desired.» el_class=»list-num-3″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Contact with Candidates» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Candidates with the desired profiles are contacted by us.» el_class=»list-num-5″][wpo_featuredbox title=»First Interview» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»This happens in our offices.» el_class=»list-num-7″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Personality Testing» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»We use the best tests on the market, and both client and candidate receive personal feedback from our certified organisational psychologist.» el_class=»list-num-9″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Presentation of the Candidates» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Usually we are left with two to three potential candidates.» el_class=»list-num-11″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Final Assessment» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»We assist you in selecting the candidate you wish to hire.» el_class=»list-num-13″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Personal Follow-up» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»We will gladly assist candidates within the first six months of a new position, so that all parties feel well looked after throughout the process.» el_class=»list-num-15″]
[wpo_featuredbox title=»Candidate Profile» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»What kind of competence, qualities and personality does your business need in order to grow?» el_class=»list-num-2″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Searching Databases and Networks» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»We use both our internal database as well as external databases that are updated daily. We also have a comprehensive network.» el_class=»list-num-4″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Review and Evaluation of CVs and Applications» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»We conduct telephone interviews and set up meetings with potential candidates.» el_class=»list-num-6″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Candidate Reports» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»This is done on the candidates who stand out.» el_class=»list-num-8″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Quality Assurance and Reference Checks» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»We examine certificates and do at least two reference checks.» el_class=»list-num-10″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Second Interview» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»This is done with you, at your offices.» el_class=»list-num-12″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Signing the Contract» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»We can assist in salary- and contract negotiations.» el_class=»list-num-14″]
[wpo_featuredbox title=»Kartlegging og behovsanalyse» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Vi setter oss inn i hvilke mål og verdier bedriften din har, og hvilke kvaliteter dere ønsker at en ny medarbeider skal ha.» el_class=»list-num-1″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Kandidatprofil og kravprofil:» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Hva slags kompetanse, egenskaper og personlighet trenger din bedrift for å vokse?» el_class=»list-num-2″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Annonsering på nettet» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Dette gjøres på de største jobbsøkersidene, de mer bransjespesifikke og i sosiale medier hvis ønskelig.» el_class=»list-num-3″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Søk i databaser og nettverk» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Vi bruker både vår interne database så vel som eksterne databaser som oppdateres daglig. Vi har også et omfattende nettverk.» el_class=»list-num-4″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Kontakt med kandidater» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Personer med ønsket kravprofil blir kontaktet av oss.» el_class=»list-num-5″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Gjennomgang og evaluering av CV-er og søknader» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Vi foretar telefonintervjuer og kaller inn aktuelle kandidater.» el_class=»list-num-6″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Førstegangsintervju» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Dette foretas av kandidatene hos oss.» el_class=»list-num-7″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Kandidatrapporter» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Dette lages på de kandidatene som utmerker seg.» el_class=»list-num-8″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Personlighetstesting» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Vi bruker de beste på markedet, og både kunde og kandidat får personlig tilbakemelding fra vår sertifiserte organisasjonspsykolog.» el_class=»list-num-9″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Kvalitetssikring og referansesjekk» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Vi undersøker vitnemål og attester, og gjør minst to referansesjekker.» el_class=»list-num-10″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Presentasjon av kandidatene» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Vanligvis står vi igjen med to til tre finalekandidater.» el_class=»list-num-11″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Andregangsintervju» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Dette foretas sammen med dere, hos dere.» el_class=»list-num-12″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Sluttvurdering» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Vi bistår dere i utvelgelse av kandidaten dere ønsker å ansette.» el_class=»list-num-13″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Signering av kontrakt» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Vi kan bistå ved lønns- og kontraktsforhandlinger.» el_class=»list-num-14″][wpo_featuredbox title=»Personlig oppfølging» position=»top-left v4″ icon=»» text_style=»dark» information=»Vi bistår gjerne kandidater det første halve året i ny stilling, slik at alle parter blir å bli godt ivaretatt gjennom hele prosessen.» el_class=»list-num-15″]
An extensive and safe process ensures that you get the right person with the right personality for you and your business. Remember – we find the best people for you.